来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 10:56:23
6-10题谢谢 8x+5x=?3x-2x=?7.5-4.2x=?请给我一个准确的答案! 求after school 夜空下的下载 6题至10题. 计算:2+√2/2-√2-﹙1/√2-1+√2﹚=_____ 计算.-/-2/=?/-(-2)/=?-(+2)=?-(-1/2)=?-[+﹙-2﹚]=?+[-﹙+1/2﹚]=? ﹙2x-1﹚2怎么算 英语翻译oh oh oh oh oh ohtime to do another oh oh oh oh oh ohtime to do another 내 곁을 맴돌며 항상 아파하던 너 And it’s time to do another 그런 널 somehow i\'m chasing after the goal as high school boy中文翻译什么意思 what do people give?意思 如图,直线y=kx-1(k>0)与x轴、y轴分别交与B,C两点,且OB=1/2OB.点A(x,y)是直线y=kx-1上的一个动点,连结OA.(1)求B点的坐标和k的值(2)求△AOB的面积S与x之间的函数关系式 被家里的坏老鼠咬了该怎么办?我今天被老鼠要,出了好多血,手指发热,也很痛,伤口的血我哟内水洗干净了.自己也不知道咬的深不深.这样要打针吗?我以前打过狂犬病的针,这跟被老鼠咬到有关 哈姆雷特中 所有人物的性格分析 如何对对联比如人家出上联 或者人家出下联 这两个联子有什么特殊的要求吗?啥叫上联 啥叫下联有啥特别的区分吗? 借鉴(那种温暖戛然而止)写一篇以母爱为话题的作文 对对联.求下联和横批.1,求大同常思民义国强2.一校一品品生品师品特色.任意一个都行,滥竽充数就不用了. how many teachers are there in the officeno one nonenothingnobody填哪个?为什么?分析一下,谢谢! There are 7 teachers in the office(划线提问) - There are seven teachers in the office.(改成否定句) 帮我翻译一下这句话:如果等待能换来奇迹 ,我愿意一直等下去, 无论一年, 抑或一生. 谢谢~~要英文翻译如果给我有道的翻译,不用了 谢谢 Are there _____ teachers in the office?No,but there are_____students in it.A.some:any B.any:some C.any:any D.some :some To love another person is to see the face of God翻译,不要直译 对对联 上联.屋后松竹添秀色 下联门前( ) 根据课文《小石潭记》对对联(1)上联:(2) 上联:坐潭上凄神寒骨 (3上联:碧水游鱼石潭景 下联:桃花源和平宁静 下联:下联:(4)上联:望潭源斗折蛇行明灭可见 (5)上联:下联 23与( )的积是质数 几个质数相乘的积是什么 两个质数相乘的积还是质数?判断 Man, You say 1ike me,1ike I what? My face? I f1gure? Or take the ent1re,I such a person.是什么意思啊 ? Face the truth, man! What the fuck is fair?!What are u blame for? "Fair" just a word, a beautiful word which make people feel better. When u are blaming the world is not fair to u, the others are working hard on something. They break the unfairness. There are't ___ ___ behind the door. Shampoo After School的mv讲述什么故事 after school的shampoo续集是什么MV