
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:46:33
求篇读后感,字数要求1500字左右 求一小段中翻英 是关于一个项目介绍项目背景是源于大学城学生复印打印业务的需要.项目进程:从制定项目合作协议开始,以班级为基础,联系各班班长签订相关协议大量批次复印给与优惠, 13._____,Tom finished the novel.A.In the end B.By th e end C.At the end D.To the end我知道答案是A,但我想知道为什么不能选D 一小段中翻英需要翻译的文段 我是隶属于xx公司的xxx 剩下的编号为141的货物100pcs我们将会在2月8日前后给你们用快递寄过去.要求 1 谢绝软件翻译 2 这是一封商务邮件 所以力求简短明了 通俗 这句话对吗 If Tom won't come,we'll lose the game.不是主将从现吗 一小段 中翻英"海之蓝"(一种酒),其风格清纯,雅而不淡,入口绵甜甘列回味悠长.品位间,那份独具怡然的绵柔恰如柔情似水的江南女子舞动的丝绸滑过甜尖,让人秒不可言,美不胜收. 一小段中翻英~莎士比亚的作品真实描绘了时代生活画面,反映了时代面貌,表现了英国社会状况,具有鲜明的时代特色,浓厚的浪漫色彩,并且笼罩着忧郁,神秘的气氛~ 中翻英.一小段,谢谢1907年,导演弗朗西斯·伯格斯带领他的摄制组来到洛杉矶,拍摄《基督山伯爵》.他们发现,这里明媚的自然风光、充足的光线和适宜的气候是拍摄电影的天然场所.1910年代初, --How would you like your coffee?-- _______ .A.It is well done.B.Very nice.C.One cup.That's en valuable是什么意思 I want to taller,what should I do? waterfront 和 beachfront 有何区别? something和valuable.意思有什么不同?形容人用哪个词? Valuable lessons的意思 We didn't laughing at him but helped him i didn't laugh at him.instead ,i helped him 同义句I helped him ____ ____ ____ at him. Have you helped a man?You didn't know him.(合并为一句)Have you helped a man ____ ____ ____ ____?这里的四个空可不可以填“whom that didn't know”或“who you didn't know"还是填其他?为什么?希望把句子结构或有关知 7.beach ,coast 含义有什么区别? seaside与coast有何区别? coast spent 和 take 的用法和区别 valuable什么意思 beach和sand有什么区别吗? sands和beach有什么区别呢 valuable valuable与valued的区别两个词意思都是“有价值的” The _____ are beautiful. A.sea B.seas C.beach D.beachesAustralia has many sheep.(画线提问)画的many_______ ______ ______ does Australia have? Ben is in Class Four,I'm in Class Four,too,SO we'_____ the fire lasted nearly a month ,leaving nothing valuable.nothing valuable分别是什么词,都是名词吗 this does demonstrate the theory-nothing is more valuable than...后面加名词还是动词 分析下两个which的从句原句:Further,when government pursues a course of action with which a large proportion of the public disagrees,it risks a loss of public confidence,which can have a negative effect on its ability to lead.我想问下, 请问从句中的in which 我经常遇到这个词组,但是不知道怎么把它换一种形式, she took a path leading out of the twon 可以改为吗?she took a path which led out of the town