
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:20:32
Was it ______ who helped us repair the computer yesterday afternoon?A.themB.herC.heD.him同求理由 用英文回答:Where do you put your clothes? 凯旋门怎么形容词语或成语 连词成句 seeds,put,where,did,you,the,. 请根据自己的理解,展开想象,写一写你心目中小桥流水人家的生活.要多,但不能太多! this is the best day of mylife是什么意思 是mylife吗 mylife is yours是啥意思 changin'mylife翻译中文 请问you and me 还是you and I ;father,mother and I还是father,mother and me?或者都对, Son,I'm sorry you,I'll make it up to you,it's all my fault. 行行重行行,求拼音 the sahara desert is __the sea of deaththat we callwhat we callwe call it that what is called some people are s_____to death due to lack of foodsome people are s_____to death due to lack of food这是高中课本必修三中的一句话 谁知道原句空中填什么啊 but why is it that some people could find their way across the Sahara without a map,while otherscan be lose themselves in the next street?翻译并分析句子结构 请问<行行重行行>这首诗的题目怎么念啊?谁知道告诉一下, 行行重行行的解释 "行行重行行,与君生别离",这句诗怎么念?出自哪首诗?作者是谁? 行行重行行的作者? 官渡之战曹操胜利的关键是什么?是许攸的功劳吗?三国志里面真正的史实是怎么样的? He said that he can not stand up . 小桥流水人家 那些美好的印象 具体表现在哪些方面 英语作文,和同学本周日要去西山旅游,60词.以有提示词 A:I am afraid there’s something wrong with my leg.B:________.Which of the following is wrong?A.Bad luck!B.Oh dear!C.I’m sorry to hear that. 请问“蒲公英”英语该怎么译? 用N多种语言翻译蒲公英.例如:中文 蒲公英英文 DANDELION He said that he could speak both english and french,but_____is hard to believe.a,this b,thatthis,that,都可指代上文提到过的事,为什么答案是b,that if you don't need anything,you can put anything He said he could only offer me $500 and couldn't go any ( ) than that,but it's not enough for me.A.more B.further C.greater D.larger 为什么其他的不行 尤其是A any more 不是可以表示 再,更多 中国花旗银行能转账到韩国花旗银行吗中国花旗银行卡能转账到韩国花旗银行卡里面吗 官渡之战为什么曹操胜利,原因分析 “a man of compassion and wisdom,the wise man will answer your question“是什么意思九年级EEC英语书上的句子,要流畅