
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 07:05:05
____should not become a serious disadvantage in life and workA.to be not tall B.not being tallC.being not tall D.not to be tall 麻烦详细说明理由I found out one time that doing a favor for someone could get you into a lot of trouble.I was in the eighth grade at the time,and we were having a final test.During the test,the girl sitting next to me whispered something,but ___should not become a serious disadvantage in life and workA.to be not tall B.not being tallC.being not tall D.not to be tall 英语翻译1.hate ___when people talks with their mouth fullA it b.that c.these d.them2.was __that I met at the railway station the other day A.it you b.not you c.you d.thay you 3.It is the ablity to do the job __matters ,not where you come from or 怎样区分名词性从句和定语从句? 名词性从句和定语从句的区别是什么我分不清 请问怎么区分名词性从句和定语从句?做它们的题目总是搞错.希望回答能够 简洁凝练 一点, 名词性从句和定语从句有什么区别?如何做它们的单选择题. 1.如图所示,在盛有某液体的圆柱形容器内放有一木块A,在木块的下方用轻质细线悬挂一体积与之相同的金属块B,金属块B浸没在液体内,而木块漂浮在液面上,液面正好与容器口相齐.某瞬间细线 高中英语定语从句1.定语从句怎么还原2.怎么看关系代词和关系副词在从句当中担任什么成分.如she is the girl who/whom i will go to shang hai with .这里的who是代替宾格的whom,为什么.怎么看?又怎么还原 高中英语定语从句怎么做 高中英语之定语从句,1.I'll remember the time( )we spent together in the country.A.that B.when C.during which D.at which2.Much ( ) I have read has been nonsense.A.which B.as C.that D.where3.We've all heard of Thomas Edison,( ) invented the ele 关于高中英语中的定语从句(超急)句型转换1.The tree is quitr tall.He is climbing it.The tree______ _______ _______is quite tall.2.Tina is a top student .The school gave a medal to her for winning the writing compettion.3.Students lik 请教一道物理有关功率的题 请写明详细计算过程我国农村使用的一种钢架水泥壳抛物面太阳灶.用30分钟可将4千克与室温{26.5摄氏度}相同的水刚刚烧开,若不计热损失此时这个太阳灶的功率为? 英语练习.三空填什么. 英语:这个空填啥?Mary and I live in the same neighborhood.We o( ) go to school together. 没写的这三空应该怎么填谢谢,英语 英语,三个空,填什么, 高中英语中提到的独立主格有哪些经典的考题? 物理题目 请写明过程一支长150m的队伍正在匀速前进,通信兵从队尾前进300m后感到队伍的前面传达命令并立即返回,当通信兵回到队尾时,队伍前进了200m,求整个过程种通信兵的位移和路程.请写 独立主格school being over,the students left the classroom and went home,为什么用being而不用 had being完成时态呢?因为后面用了went了啊.时态…….为什么? 高中英语独立主格seen the city ,the sense of pride came into my mind.为什么用seen而不用seeing呢? 最后 的英语怎么说,三个空的? 帮我看下最后一空填什么?He looked_____________(sad) at the_____________(die) dog.How ____________(sad) he looks.最后一空填sad还是sadly?最后一空填sad理由?填sadly理由?是不是HOW后面都可以跟副词和形容词? 哪个高手能用文化生活给我分析一下关于治理互联网低俗之风的问题越全面越好,另请说明清楚知识点. 写春联、对春联、贴春联是中国传统文化中的重要习俗,为提升春晚的文化品位,烘托大年夜的喜庆气氛.2011年春节联欢晚会上,主持人通过电视向全国的观众征集春联对句,引起全国观众的广泛 解方程 ①(x-根号3)=(根号2)x(x-根号3) ② 根号3(3x-2)=(2-3x)(x+1) 中华文化的基本特征是什么 高中政治教材人教版本3 文化生活的提问 解方程40%x十0、3二4、5 1.温家宝说:当今世界,有200多个国家和地区,2500多个民族,6000多种语言.正是这些不同民族、不同肤色、不同历史文化背景的人们,共同创造了丰富多彩的世界,就如同有了七音八调的差异,才能 一道关于独立主格的英语练习题More time _________,we should have done the job much better.A.to give\x05 B.give\x05 C.being given\x05 D.givenD 为什么不能选C 有例句为证:The question being settled,we went home.我们就回家了 英语,独立主格的一道题with a lot of different problems _______,the manager felt worried all the time.a to be settled b to settle两个答案在不同练习册上均作为正确答案出现过,究竟是为什么?