
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:41:37
He____(花费)much money on books every year.在横线上填写适当的单词,应该写什么啊~ 这些字在新华字典第十一版中分别是多少页? 一本新华字典有几个字 The more money you make,the more money you spend.more是?money是?make是?spend是? He earns more money than he can spend.翻译 This TV can be used____the screen of a computer.It makes playing online games more exciting.A.in B.at C.by D.as 原因, 天安门建造有什么意义?谁能回答我? 友谊也是一种爱 作文800字 对塑孔子像的看法为了表示我们对传统文化的尊崇,有人提出塑孔子像,以之表示对传统文化的敬意,于是就有了圣人孔子,布衣孔子,平民孔子的画像出来.这反映了我们对传统文化的一种态度.请 急需短小英文故事条件:1.在1-2分钟之内朗读完,所以不要太长2.最好有些哲理性或者启迪……急~~~越快越好~~2天之内回答好的还会追加飞絮先谢谢大家了! 谁有简短的英文故事 He spends 100 yuan on books every year.同义举转换、两种 She s_____ 100 yuan buying books every year.横线上写什么?(必须有s开头) She spends much money buying clothes every year.同义句The clothes( )( )much money every year. Half of her money ( ) on books every year.A.spends B.is spending C.has spent D.is spent为什么选D呢? 仿写灯光 作文 某电信公司的是收费是 市内通话3分钟收费0.2元3分钟外每超过1分钟加收0.1元求函数解析式 天安门城楼的红墙所用的红色颜料是铁红(主要成分为FE2O3),试计算1000KG铁红中最多含铁的质量要写步骤的‘写的清楚点 我分值不多了‘请谅解 MIss Green spent a lot of money (buy) new clothes 为什么是buying? MIss Green spent a lot of money (buy) new clothes 为什么是buying? MIss Green spent a lot of money (buy) new clothes 为什么是buying? MIss Green spent a lot of money (buy) new clothes 为什么是buying? 小动物观察日记怎么写 北京奥运会的体育场馆中,国家体育场“鸟巢”的座位数为9.7万个,比国家游泳中心“水立方”座位数的8倍还多0.9万个.“水立方”的座位数有多少个? keep from doing 和stop from doing区别rt,他们有区别吗?但这是一道单选题,只有一个答案.原句是:if shyness ( )you ( )doing sth ,you should change yourselves 英语求助英语 1.改成疑问句并作肯定否定回答 1 that is a yellow ruler these are her erasers those are 如何仿写文章 咋仿写这个作文 How often do you get online,what do you usually go do?為問題,答出你多久上一下網,及上網時多數會做什麼?約七至八十字.同仁們,謝謝各位幫忙.薄酬 What do you often do( )weekends? 帮忙看一下这几个英语词组的意思After the accident,local media lit up with reports of text messages they said were from passengers.这一句里面的 lit应该是light的过去式吧 lit up Three divers who took it upon themselves to go 找出错误并改正.What's are these?They are English buses.()a是what'sb是arec是theyd是English