
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:01:31
这里them指代谁stratified societies are marked by differences among people that identify them as being "higher" or "lower" 这里的them指代的是谁啊?the writers seldom mention their sources of evidence,and thus we do not know what credence to give them.这个them指的是sources还是writer?我觉得是writer可是错了………………为什么不是writer?如 they're的完整形式急 they're的完全形式 they‘re的完整形式用英语怎么写? Our teather told me that i should take the dictionary with me.改为同义句 They 're和They are的区别 but they're怎么读(谐音就行,但要得像) 恐龙是什么时期出现的,到什么时候消失的.中间一共有多少时间? 机器效率越高什么越低 With no one ________ the plan,he had to abandon it.A.agree on B.agree to我觉得选B 英语翻译Decisions in life are rarely black and white but usually involve shades of gray.When it's time for dinner,the decision you face is not between fasting or eating like a pig,but whether to take that extra spoonful of mashed potatoes.When ex who re are they缩略形式或完全形式 those who trust their own abilities and judgment will find creative solutions,enabling them to be more productive and successful.enabling them在这句话中怎么翻译,使能够他们?enabling 简明释义adj.有可能,或有条件完成的v.使能 翻译句子:我想他们现在正处于危险之中.I thought them ___ ___. 为什么现代社会科技进步的如此缓慢啊?特别是关于人类的科学进步太缓慢了 人类为了科学发展而用其他动物做实验,这样是对的吗?感觉有点不人道啊!虽然说有些研究也是为了给人类带来福利和发展,但是利用其他生命这样可以吗?或者有什么更好的方法? 英语翻译Through this increased electronic access to the world around them,students' social awareness and confidence increase. 英语翻译They learn certain attitudes - the importance of money,what products are needed,how they are to be used and how products are supposed to make them feel.这句话该怎么理解呢?尤其是最后那一部分,该怎么理解? 使科学、技巧、艺术和人的属性在实现组织目标过程中有机结合起来的是? 怎样做一个霸气而又柔情的男人? buy first of the new term的中文 题目是the new term mood 的 英语作文怎么写 请问,我明年三月考专八,想要在此之前准备考个十二月份的bec中级!.我不知道这样会不会影响专八复习有没有类似经历的人啊!哎,头都大了! 我过了高级商务英语 六级50多 明年考专八 能进一个好点的外企吗 还要做什么准备 恐龙在什么时候灭绝的 有人上过新航道的外教口语俱乐部吗? She hasn't returned the book to de library yet.等于什么?转化为She hasn't_______ the book________to the library yet. BEC需要怎么去准备,本人基础可以,目标是拿高分,请高手支招. 甜蜜口味 英文该怎么说 我现在的基础中上,自己在接触商务英语方面的内容.不知道我报哪种课程会比较合适呢? 2 Can you —(描述)your English teacher?