
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 04:28:39
新概念3中14课 who were willing to pay the high price he demanded.句子中为什么用were?而不是was?全句:Hawkwood used to hire his soldiers to princes who were willing to pay the high price he demanded.过了一天了,朋友们再给 the w____in a r_____skirt is my mother 孔融十岁 认亲这篇课文说明孔融小时的聪明伶俐表现在什么地方 《孔融认亲》问题请先写出译文,1.解释下列词语在文中的意思.诣:乃:奇:语语:2.“小时时了,孔融为什么要说“想君小时必当了了”?3.你认为这则故事的中心是什么?4.你知道“仲尼”与“ -------- coat do you want ,a blue one or a red one A.What color.B.Whose.C.Which.D.What 选词填空 亚非古代文明大致位于哪个温度带上?从地理环境看,它们有什么共同特点?试着说明其原因 —Jane,which color do you prefer,red or blue?—______.I prefer to buy a green one.A.Either will be OK B.Both will be OKC.To be honest,neither D.Generally,I’m not sure ____ ____coat do you want,a blue one or a red one? Who is the woman _____ a red biouse?A in B dressing Look!That's Mike.the woman in the red dress is ( )mother,I think. I prefer light blue to I prefer white to blue.同义句 I ______ white ______ ______ blue. prefer dong和perfer to do 的分别用法~ 是prefer doing to dong prefer还有哪些词组呢? 小明存入银行1000元,定期为1年,到期后小明共取出1080元,已知利息税是20%,求一年定期储蓄的利率(其中:本利和=本金+税后利息) 英语在线连词成句:ten,they,dollars,are,about. 一条船上装有75头牛,和32只羊,请问这条船的船长有多少岁? 一艘船在大海航行,船上有75头牛和32只羊,请问船长的年龄是多少岁? 一条船上有75头牛,32只羊,那么船长有几岁? 恐龙是如何灭绝的? 有关恐龙灭绝的多种说法 在芬兰,冬天的天气是什么样的? 8月芬兰的气候如何 芬兰的地形和气候,及求 介绍一下恐龙灭绝原因的现有说法(最好详细介绍一下,及提出人等) 新年快乐!只限一人!先到先得!只限一人! the food in the restaurant is good ( ) the price is too ( ) A and;high B but;high C but;expensivethe food in the restaurant is good ( ) the price is too ( ) A and;high B but;high C but;expensiveDbecause;low 52.Butter and cheese ______ in price.A.has gone up B.is gone up C.have gone up D.are gone up有选C也有选A 恐龙灭绝有几种说法 high的同义词是什么同义词! high school同义词 at a price同义词 1、( )How much ____ this belt cost A.do B.does C.is2、( )How much ____ these gloves cost A.do B.does C.is3、( )It ____ 10 yuan.A.cost B.costs C.spend4、( )How much ____ this belt A.do B.does C.is5、( )How much does ____ A.thi