
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:54:17
能帮忙翻译下成绩单吗?体育(4)刑法学(总论)形势与政策(4)疑难案件侦查英语(4)国际法学毛泽东思想、邓小平理论与“三个代表”重要思想概论(下)商法学司法文书刑法学(分论 Dose she want__(swim)in the sea?Can you__(stand)in line? 英语翻译 what about——(sit)on the bed? What about __________ (sit ) here ? OK , let me _________ (sit ) here. he learns ()in the sea 为什么填to swim i hear that he ___(swim)in the sea yesterday _____huang pu river,the oriental pearl TV tower is one of the symbols of Chinabeing laying onlain on situating on situated on Is it BEAUTIFUL?(This is the Oriental Pearl TV ToIs it BEAUTIFUL?(This is the Oriental Pearl TV Tower) This river is the ( ) 狭窄的 of the two .中间的空用最高比较级吗?为什么? Is there something wrong with the boy?改错以上,哪个地方错了- - The boy is of a musician.A.anyone B.anything C.someone D.something不定代词的什么用法吗?怎么翻译呢? 毫不夸张是什么意思 1和2之间有最大的公约数吗? 六十五三十九有没有公约数回答 两数之间没有公约数,两数中,大数减小数之差与两数中的任意一数有无公约数?请给出证明 same反义词 ju lin可有四字词语…音同即可…四字中含有二字既可, he is someting of a musician应该怎么翻译? He is ____one of the greatesr musician of his time.A.regarded B.thought of C.consideredD.remembered Is this the way you think ____the problem.A of solving B of of solving C solving我选的 A和BA 看成插入语B 定语从句 《潘德尔的巫师》的英文简介 《潘德尔的巫师》内容简介? 谁有书虫系列《猴抓》《象人》《在月亮下面》《潘德尔的巫师》的课后阅读答案啊.很需要的、、同志们 书虫《潘德尔的巫师》英语读后感一定要英语的读后感噢... 《潘德尔的巫师》的英文怎样写 themselves和theirselves分别是什么意思?用法一样么?请麻烦再列举关于单词后缀是self和selves的.. 是Theirselves 还是their selves?their中间有空格吗? theirself 和 theirselves 有嘛区别 有theirselves这个词吗? take order有没有插队的意思?thankS! take ones position是什么意思