
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:10:28
there used to be a cinema here before the war , --------------?后面是反意疑问句,应该填写哪几种答案 My sister s__English very well ,but she knowsMy sister s__English very well ,but she knows l__ Japanese.She is inTokoy for meeting. There used to be a cinema here before the war.什么意思 there used to be river in front of the city didn't there?这句话怎么翻译,didn't there怎么理解? 请问 There used to be a park. 哥哥姐姐,谁知道L带头的英文名,速度~~~~~我是女的 S开头取英文名和L开头取英文名要取女的,2个都是.不要太幼稚了啦.好听点.11-12岁 1.on one's day off 2.primary school 3.翻译 Tom deans the classroom once a week .改为被动语态 英语翻译原句:This rubs off on children-the seriousness and high-tech appeal.请问rub off on children在这里该如何翻译?呵呵,this指代的是一个研究海底世界的博物馆一方面是旅游胜地,一方面是学术研究的 Tom goes to the Ehglish Corner once a week这句话对不对, Tom plays basketball at ______(little) once a week 陈文帝陈茜承诺立韩子高为后.为什么陈茜登基后却没有立他为后? 求个女性J打头的英文名字顺便告诉我这个Jaculin怎么读 no is not there some are small there in village the housesno is not there这是一句,some are small there in village the houses又是一句。请把它么连成句子,而且它们都是陈述句,不是反问句。 There's a small house in my village.(改为复数句)____ _____ some small houses in our village. In the conference room on the fifth floor,where a meeting 【 】,some students were busilysetting the tableA was to be heldB has been heldC wIll be heldD is being held请问选什么 以及为什么? We were late for the meeting 为什么meeting要加ING 一个7×8×9的长方体,先把它的表面涂成红色,再把它分割成棱长为1的小正方体.在这些小正方体中没有一面被涂了红色的小正方体有( )个,只有一面涂了红色的小正方体有( )个,有两面涂了 There are only twelve _______ in the hospital .选项为A.woman doctor B.woman doctors C.women doctor D.women doctors 为什么? 兼职超市促销员需要做什么工作啊?想到武汉一超市做兼职的洗发水促销员,从来没做过,平时去超市也没注意,促销员是不是就是不停地喊啊?是怎么个喊法呢?其实我有点内向,所以想知道具体点 推销员用英文怎么说 销售员 英文是什么女的呢 are,black,how,these,much,socks 连词连句 those socks much are how white 连词成句是问句 those socks much ae how white 连词成句 陈茜.取什么英文名好? 我叫陈茜,想请大家帮忙取个英文名 我帮一个女孩子起一个英文名,她的名字叫陈茜. qian wei 英文名帮忙取个跪拜,同学都有了,就我么有真的想有一个英语名 我有个朋友想起英文名字,它是女生,叫陈茜, male和both 还有famale是什么意思如题