
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:21:18
天天背200个英语单词好吗? 背200个英语单词大概要多久,速度一般 怎么样可以2个月背完200个英语单词不会容易忘记的 如何能一天背下200个英语单词?我是可以背下200个单词,只是到晚上复习时候发现只剩下10个了,其他的都忘记了,怎么能记住背过的单词呢.哪怕剩下50个也可以呀. 如何两天之内背住200个英语单词如果是背后1个星期不忘 谢谢 找些中高级英语单词,100个 英语单词was的中文意思 她要上奥数班用英语怎么说 六(1)班有42个同学,每人参加作文,奥数,英语1.把100枝花插进8个花瓶,至少有13枝花要插进同一个花瓶.为什么\?2.六1班有42个同学,每人参加作文,奥数,英语,舞蹈4项课外活动中的一项.总有一项至少 英语翻译最好是一个单词解决的 孩子马上就三年级了,该给她报班儿吗?(比如奥数,英语什么的),报什么班呢? 解释一下这些英语单词的用法.解释一下这些英语单词的用法,能让人听懂的.other、others、the other、theo thers和another.这些词的用法. 请大家帮我解释几个英语单词的用法1 absence of mind的例句2 adore honour respect的区别3 along alongside的区别4 anywhere的例句5 Appropriation和approprianess的中文意思6 classic classical的区别希望每个单词都可 请帮我讲解一下英语单词的用法.1 percent percentage2add addition addtional3confusing confused confusion4complain complaint另外请帮我讲解一下表语从句的语法!还有other states have a sales tax,which is charged to any item wh 关于一些英语单词和短语的用法和区别other,others,another,the other,的区别也就是用法kind of,a kind of ,kinds of,的区别也就是用法get,spend pay take,(这些单词都是表示花费的意思,但他们的区别是什么都 春节的英语单词 有关春节的英语单词 意识的英语单词怎么拼写 英语翻译哪个英语单词翻译为"意识到" 英语词汇填空!1.A j_____ high school is for students between 13 and 15 years old.2.He is a manager of three different b_____3.He is a careless boy and he pays little a_____ to his handwriting. 初三英语词汇填空1.The juice in the shop is _______.(特色)2.Please stop t_______ .Your father is sleeping.3."Tony,you should finish your homework f_______ after school."Mom says4.Please d_______ the best place for our summer vacation.5.He 初三英语单词填空41.We thought it was going to rain,but (实际上)it was sunny all day.  42.He often has dinner at his (祖父母)home.  43.There was a large (人群)at the football match yesterday afternoon.  44.So fa 根据句意和所给单词提示填空 I read my essay a_____ in class and everyone can hear me clearly.His speech was boring ,but he did not r_____ it.He is good at thinking .I think he can answer the question in a d____ way.It doesn‘t m____ if y 急,初三英语单词填空在下列各句的空格内填上一个适合的完整的单词,该词的首字母已给出.I like drawing very much.What i_________ you?We know water can be used for m________ electricity. 初三英语单词填空?(首字母给出)My brother taught himself how to s______ the meeting.Mobile phones must be kept off d______ the meeting. 请问1-12月的英语单词是什么? 12英语单词 1到12月的英语单词及其音标 英语单词缩写字母!有哪些单词有缩写?比如世界贸易组织(W T O),世界卫生组织(W H O)等等,急用!1 求一个英语单词缩写的解释wedth film=23cm, length of peace =12.5cm , with 3 lry 小弟想知道 最后这个lry是什么意思呢ps 本人是做包装的 怎样能快速记住英语单词? 怎样快速记住英语单词?父母每天都要我记两个单元的英语单词,记不到就要挨打,怎样在快速在一天内记住两个单元的英语单词呢?