
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 10:24:25
对联猜姓 1唐代贞观帝,汉朝飞将军 2将军三箭定天山,壮土长歌入汉关 3烹天子父,为圣人师 4两朝对联猜姓1唐代贞观帝,汉朝飞将军2将军三箭定天山,壮土长歌入汉关3烹天子父,为圣人师4两朝天 是put it simple 还是put it simply? put it 是什么意思 Tom has __________ baseball,but he doesn't play ___________ baseball.A.a,a B.the,the C.a,/ D./,a She doesn't like me.I wanted to cry yet had no tears. she would cry and pray.she wanted her son to change his dehavior.的意思 关于英语不定式不定式是什么词性的.比如study是V.那么to study是变成什么词性了还有,TO learn English well we study hard.这种句子,什么时候用to啊,可不可以不加啊. English is w_ used all over the word. 英语翻译这句话应该翻译成“他们必须认真考虑他们听到的信息”还是“他们必须考虑他们认真听到的信息”? — I hear Bob quarrelled with his brother last night.— Yes,but they have already ________.— I hear Bob quarrelled with his brother last night.— Yes,but they have already ________.A.made up B.picked up C.taken up D.set up 选哪个 麻烦翻译 形容连续不断(多指话多)成语 英语翻译 英语翻译是在酒店里 服务员要问他们几个人、、 ( )言( )语 形容话很多 "原来你那么恨我"英文翻译请帮忙翻译下,不要电脑翻译,要人工翻译,谢谢"原来你那么恨我,可现在,应该不恨了吧,因为你已经不在乎了,原来你说过那么多关于我,可我一直都没有发现直到现在, 恨 英文怎么翻译 seek和fina还有look for的区别主要有什么区别啊 seek和look for可疑换用吗? "原来那么恨我"英文翻译帮忙翻译,不要电脑翻译,要人工翻译,谢谢了!"原来你那么恨我,可现在,应该不恨了吧,因为你不在乎了,原来你说过那么多关于我的话,可我一直都不知道,我真是个白痴, seek for和seek after和look for有什么区别? seek 和 seek for 有什么区别?两个都可以接名词,都有寻找的意思,请问用法上有什么区别?谢谢! 英语中want与to是什么关系?为什么Do you want to go to a movie?中want后要加to而 I want sports shoes中want后没加to呢? want to在英语中有哪些高级点的表达方式 Please ( ) these things to your brother.选项 A take B bring C have 选什么合适,并说明原因. 有关防水,防电,防火的作文,要超好的,获奖的,网上的我看过不要!我们是去比赛的!八点之前网上的也行, I don t have your ,so I can t find your house your后面填什么a开头的单词 why don't we have the house painted?还是why don't we have the house painting?为什么? 科教版八年级上册物理期末复习提纲!最新的!别复制的,否则不选) please take these things to your biother(改成否定祈使句) 英语翻译中文版是我同学写的(有可能是看来的)我想内容大家应该都能看懂欢迎大家在语法、逻辑,以及文学艺术的角度修改一下童心号吧英语角需要--------------Human LifeBy YumufenglinTranslated by 英语翻译Many Asia-Pacific people like to shop online,Nielsen says.Every month 35% of them spend more than 11% of their money in buying things online,but only 27% of people around the world do.South Koreans are the heaviest online buyers in Asia.E 来自故乡的消息 NEWS FROM HOME怎么样