
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:25:27
帮我解决下这几道题. IMPORTANT NOTE:This address is used for INBOUND e-mail,ONLY! Look,this is my e-mail____.A number B address C phone 英语翻译台臣以为赃既具 使臣或不得厌其所需 数遣人省自当母于京师所居 有司来白自当重点翻译一下 具 厌 省 白这几个字对这篇文言文的内容概括分析一下 what is your e-mail It was not until last week__she found-_she thought was quite mistakenIt was not until last week________she found________she thought was quite mistaken. [ ] A. when; that B. that; thatC. when; what D. that; what 选D,为什么 淫人妻女者,妻女必被人淫 是谁说的如题 这句古话是谁说的? 做小动作的英语怎么讲 上课不做小动作的英语怎么说? 上课爱做小动作 用英文怎么说 论坛显示This account has been suspended.This account has been suspended.Either the domain has been overused,or the reseller ran out of resources.是我的问题还是论坛自身的问题?我账号才注册没几天,该怎么办才能恢复使用 被告知:This account has been suspended.Either the domain has been overused,or the reseller ran out of resources.是不是说封了号? This Account Has Been Suspended这是什么意思 This account has been suspended.Either the domain has been overused,没打完.看下面的详细提问.紧急This account has been suspended.Either the domain has been overused,or the reseller ran out of resources. 关于:No web site is configured at this address.设置完IIS IP(我的动态IP)和路由器映射(192.168.1.XX 80端口)用本机动态IP通过IE浏览器访问 本机站点 提示:No web site is configured at this address.我设置错 这是哪首英文歌里的mv! 打电话用英语 开头几句怎么讲比如说 是***么?请找一下***我要给你发个传真请给个信号还有什么寒暄了.常用的话都告诉我几句.建议有经验的朋友多说点.要是叫不准的话就别发帖子了. 威尼斯商人 每幕中每场的主要内容 这诗什么名?如何让你遇见我 在我最美丽的时刻 为这 我已在佛前 求了五百年 英语翻译Anyone expecting an autobiography or treatise on what it`s like to have been as lucky as I have been will be dispointed. 为什么佛经常说“五百年”?这个“五百年”有没有特殊的含义呢? 佛说,五百年前的一次回眸才换来今生的擦肩而过!这句话出自哪里,请兄弟帮忙... she has already finished rhe homework 否定句 《世说新语·德行》之荀巨伯的中心思想 She asked ___(send)____(work) on a farm after she finished her study at the college.怎么填?为什么? 如何让你遇见我   在我最美丽的时刻 为这   我已在佛前 求了五百年   求他让我们结一段尘缘   佛于是把我化作一棵树   长在你必经的路旁   阳光下慎重地开满了花 如何让你遇见我,在我最美丽的时刻? 英语翻译.虾虾 “如何让我遇见你,在我最美丽的时刻,.为此,我已在佛前求了五百年”这首诗谁知道是谁写的吗? 来个英语高手!看下怎样?到底是it has been对还是it is 对?或者那个好?来个英语高手!看下怎样?到底是it has been对还是it is 对?或者那个好?更普通是什么意思? Mrs.Sun was a 79-year-old women.she lives a___ in a flat She is___________(practise)dancing.怎么填?