
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:03:53
为什么地球是圆的,地面却是平的? prove有没有被动语态The employee you had been thinking highly of ————dishonestA proved B being proved为什么不选B还有 为什么要用现在完成进行时? prove有没有被动语态啊prove到底有没有被动语态啊,有的人说没有有的人说有.what he had reasoned about the theory ——to be true.A proved B was proved此处选什么?为什么这里不用被动语态呢,被证明是正确的. prove有被动语态吗? 碱的偏旁换成绞丝旁是什么字?还要组词 绞丝旁一个澜去偏旁怎么读? They are from America.(对划线部分提问)划线部分是America 职中商务英语有用吗/ 新造职中的商务英语好吗 绣逼除绞丝旁加什么偏旁 知法守法我先行手抄报 知法懂法手抄报内容 除了绞丝旁和日字旁和可以加什么偏旁? prove的用法prove到底何时才能用于被动语态?请举例说明. 介词填空 Who's that man __ a white coat?There is a baseball __ the floor.This is a picture __ jim'sfmaily.The broom is __ thedoor.The twins are __ the smae class. 哪个是正确答案Is that kind old man alive?Is that kind old man alive?--I’m sorry.He_______.He___________for two weeks.A.has died,has been dead B died,has diedC.died,died D.has been died,has died为什么 She found her bike lost 这句话按照语法对吗?用lost是做什么成分的呢? 读职校出来有前途吗?谈谈大家的看法;有经验的过来人说下.我想听听大家的真实心里话…… 读职高有前途吗本人15岁 女 读的是普通公立中学 我成绩不太好 全段4个班(重点班不算) 每班55人左右 我120名(有作弊成分,不过不多) 全班53人 我大概35-43左右 其他学科都不好 不知道能不能上 商务英语读出来有前途吗 What does your friend like ___?A.do B.does C.to doing D.doing 翻译并语法说明 what does your classroom look like?怎样译. piano river table可数嘛 哪个可数哪个不可数? river可数吗? river是不是不可数名词? 不可数名词:例river is clear还是river are clear? If you can play the violin,you can join us.you can join us如何翻译? 一道初中的题Can you _____ on our school music festival A:are B:join C:be D:playCan you _____ on our school music festival A:are B:join C:be D:play 但书上文章里有句话You can be in our school music festival.怎么给学生解释呢, 我同学给我写了这张纸,我英文不好,看不懂. “有些人把英语当成外语来讲”用英文怎么说? “我们经常看电视放松”用英文怎么说? 急!i often go to movies for fun 的意思我的枕头和我的两只猫在我的床上(用倒装句译成英文) 英语翻译The belief that it is harmful to the Black community for authors to explore the humanity of our leaders can have troubling effects.At the least,it promotes the belief that our heroes have to be perfect to be useful.At worst,it censors our “位”用英语怎么写啊?、我姓位.