
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 02:25:53
如何理解这句话?Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate.love to hate的语法是怎样的? Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate.求翻译 I have lived here for 5 years 是不是应该,把 lived 换成been 或是去掉 for 5 years 就可以? i have lived for two years 改成i__here__ __ __ The Greens_____here for years.A.i living B.have lived C.has lived D.lives什么时候+doing 什么时候+do 我是说The+姓S 什么时候+doing 什么时候+do i have lived here for twenty years.我想问现在我还住在这里吗? 什么书能快速提高自己的心境修养啊? 英语翻译如下:Perhaps your friend can buy it with his own credit card from Hong Kong and you can pay him back,because the payment processor will verify if the shipping address is the same as the billing address.If they are from different count don't think it's much good__to him.A.writingB.to write选A,为什么? I have lived in Beijing for four years.同义句子I have lived in Beijing ____four years_____. 人生病的时候心情不好适合看什么书呢 当心情浮躁,心情不好时,老会胡思乱想.可以看什么书? Rose came to beijing in 2002,she ( )here for eight years.为啥填has lived?A.was living B live C will live D has lived回答 共1条D why 关于:“迎中博.讲文明.树新风”的作文 now I live in Beijing see with my parents. 每次看见你我都很开心英语怎么说 l ___ Beijing with my parents beforeA.have gone B.have been C.have got D.have visited 词形变化:My uncle with my parents_____(work)in Beijing now. 是works还是is working 请问:新浪微博中我点了收藏的微博在哪里查看? these cakes are quite tasty.I'd like to have____ A.other B.the other C.others D.another l like a balls 中文怎么翻译 什么是微博,微博会对我们的以后产生怎样的变化呀!很早就听朋友说微博不错,建议我用用,我是做销售的,没有用过微博,微博是什么呀,我做机电销售,微博能帮我什么呀? 八年级上册历史期中考试知识点复习(1—13课)标出是几课的重点,要简单一些.人教版 初二上册历史期中考试重点 一艘货轮从上海开往广州,已经行了全程的七分之三,这时离上海210千米,上海到广州的航程是多少千米? 一艘货轮从上海开往广州已经行了全程的二十分之七这时离上海二百八十千米上海到广州的航程是多少千米 请教各位老师一些英语语法的问题.....Dreams Are the Stuff Life Is Made of .这句话的意思虽然一看就明白.但后面的 life is made of 这种是什么结构呢.是stuff的补语吗?....我语法不好.能说明白点吗?... 求教下面这段英语的语法点Whether you‘re talking to one person or one hundred,always remember to look at them.Some people start to say something while looking right at you,but three words into the sentence,they break eye contact and look “人文”是指人情和文化,“三峡”是指长江三峡,“人文三峡”意思是说三峡的人情和文化,请问,“人文三峡”用英文如何翻译? (1)he innovatively put forward an idea that replacing the feedback loop with two current mirrors.这里的replacing用得对不对?(2)As the amount of data obtained from mobile phones,which is functioned as the information to determine the tr 人文的怎么翻译 英语高手来.闽诚人文 怎么翻译闽诚人文 怎么翻译,不要机器来. 一定要正确的.是一本企业内刊.